A Celebration You Don’t Want To Miss
Greetings Class of 1969 Members!
You are cordially invited to our 50-Year High School Reunion. An outstanding array of activities has been planned for your enjoyment. All events are outlined in the accompanying materials for your consideration. We hope there’s something to appeal to each classmate.
Two items are included along with this letter: Reunion Event Information and Reunion Registration Form. We invite you to review these materials and make a commitment to participate in this very special occasion. There are many people who would like very much to see you once again!
Penn Hills High School was a big part of our youth. We made many friends during those years. Some of us experienced the joy of maintaining lifelong friendships that formed during that time of our lives. Most likely, though, we all lost track of many, many people we once saw every day in high school.
The 50-Year Reunion celebration is your chance to renew old friendships and acquaintances, as well as reminisce about those carefree days of long ago.
We look forward to seeing you in September.
The Class of 1969 Reunion Committee
P.S. Please share this information with classmates you know and encourage them to contact us at pennhillshighclassof1969@gmail.com to request a registration packet! EVERYONE from our class is invited to attend.
Class of 69
Reunion Event Information
Golf Outing, 1:00 PM, Edgewood Country Club, 100 Churchill Rd, 15235 $85/golfer This spectacular Donald Ross course is a great venue for classmates who enjoy golfing. Participants will be assigned to foursomes or can request their own golf partners. Ticket price includes greens fee and cart.
Informal Social, 6:00 PM, Comfort Inn, 699 Rodi Road, 15235 $12/person Enjoy meeting up with former classmates in a comfortable, casual setting. The cover charge provides for light refreshments and use of facility. A cash bar will be open throughout the evening.
PHHS Tour, 9:00 AM, 309 Collins Drive, 15235
The Penn Hills High School you knew is long gone. A new school opened in January 2013. Don’t miss a unique opportunity to tour this dynamic educational facility. Current student leaders will serve as our guides for an informative one-hour tour.
Dinner Dance, 6:00 PM, Edgewood Country Club, 100 Churchill Rd, 15235 $95/person Join everyone for a special night of friendship and memories. The evening will include Happy Hour with hors d’oeuvres, a delicious dinner, music, and dancing, as well as a 50-50 drawing. A cash bar will be open throughout this event.
NOTE: A jacket is required for men, but a tie is not necessary. No jeans, please.
This special 50-year reunion is an ideal chance for you to give back to our high school by making a donation— large or small—as part of your event registration. Funds will be used to present a scholarship, on behalf of the Class of 1969, to an outstanding male and female member of the PHHS Class of 2020.
Alumni interested in making a significant donation beyond the amounts listed on the registration form are encouraged to contact Sherry Armstrong Shadrach privately at bcmcsherry@yahoo.com.
Commemorative Golf Shirts $12 or $15/shirt
Be sure to take your reunion experience home with you by purchasing a commemorative white golf shirt with reunion logo.
There’s no better way to display your pride for our alma mater than by wearing the nostalgic school colors.
A block of rooms for PHHS Class of 1969 Reunion attendees is being held at each of the following hotels:
Comfort Inn, 699 Rodi Road, 412-244-1600, $80/night*
Residence Inn Monroeville/Wilkins Township, 3455 William Penn Highway, 412-816-1300, $109/night*
* Early reservation is recommended as there is a limited number of rooms available at these special discounted rates.
Best Phone Contact #
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—- Please Mail This Form with Full Payment to —-
PHHS Class of 1969 Reunion
℅ Linda Natlis Bannon, 250 Alcoma Blvd., Apt. 202, Pittsburgh, PA 15235 You can pay in either of the following ways:
- Personal check made payable to Penn Hills Class of 1969 Reunion
- Electronic Payment via Venmo or Zellpay. Our account for the purpose of electronic payment— ph69reunion@gmail.com
First National Bank of Pennsylvania
Reservations for all events must be received not later than September 1, 2019.